Jan 22, 2013

December 24, 2012 Letter



I seriously LOVE Christmas time :)  I thought I would be super sad having to change areas right before Christmas but I have had a great adjustment and it has been super nice to actually be in a family ward for the holiday.  What's even better was that I didn't miss the Christmas party!  We had a hoppin' good time at the ward Christmas fiesta on Saturday - so fun!  I was, admittedly, a little frazzled and stressed because of all the name learning/forgetting and ALL the nonmembers friends that members brought (their ward is amazing at missionary work!!  We got 3 solid referrals for us and both sets of elders also got some information for people.

Before I just zoom ahead - This last week was probably the craziest week on my mission. 

Sister Khaled decided to talk to President on Monday because she still wasn't feeling any better after her surgery last Wednesday.  So, she talked to him and then informed me that she was thinking about going home and President supported her - with the condition that when she gets feeling better she can totally come back.  The thought of going home terrified her at first but then became a much more realistic option. 

Long story short, she went home two days ago - on Saturday morning :(  This frowny face cannot begin to describe how sad I was that she left.

That is really what shook up my entire week.  We had one more emergency room visit, for old times sake, on my very last day in Boston.  The mission doctor arranged for her to meet her doctor in the ER of Boston Children's so we went.  We went thinking it would be a go and come back but it turned out to mirror our other ER experiences so I didn't actually even to go back home before the transfer meeting.

Luckily (and I mean that this was the Spirit pushing and prompting me) I had already finished packing the night before.  What remained were some odds and ends strewn around the apartment but my angel of a roommate Sis. Stevens took care of getting everything together, the ZL's came and got my stuff and took it to Belmont to the second Christmas party/Transfer meeting. 

So, meanwhile we're still hangin' out in the Hospital, Sis. Williams and Sis. Caldwell come to visit.  They were originally going to come give us a ride home in the afternoon, but by afternoon they still weren't done trying to figure out what was wrong with Sis. Khaled.  Sis. Packard called while they were there saying that she wanted Sis. Williams to stay with Sis. Khaled while Sis. Caldwell took me to transfer meeting. 

Ugh! That was actually super super hard! So, we were ripped apart and I was left to worry and wonder about what was going on with her throughout the night.  She ended up getting admitted to the hospital (sis. Williams, thankfully, was able to stay the night with her) but still no one had any firm answers as to what was paining her. 

This story is becoming very drawn out and my time is waning.  I got to the transfer meeting, met up with Sis. Henderson, got my stuff moved to our very nice new car, said some goodbyes to my old zone, and we headed out.  From that point I'm not entirely sure what happened between companionships but I know that they resolved the trio situation but Emergency Transferring (ETing) Sis. Figueredo out of Lynn and into my old area with Sis. Brierly. I feel so bad for them!  We didn't leave it ready for two missionaries to just jump in not knowing anything.

I got a phonecall from Sis. Khaled the next day saying that she was skipping town Saturday morning.  I got to say goodbye Friday night over phone and I got an email from her today - seems like she's doing well.  She says it's super weird but she still sounds like her perky crazy self :) 

that was a long story!   sorry!

So now I'm here in Rhode Island.  Like I said earlier, the ward is awesome.  The people I've met I have just instantly loved and so I am very much looking forward to spending my last few months on my mission here.  I don't imagine I would get transferred for just my last 6 weeks :) Our zone is actually really great here.  We are constantly giving the elders rides - one companionship from our ward doesn't have a car and the other is on a car share.  So we see them a lot.  They're super duper immature but they are good comic relief and they really get down to business when it comes to real missionary work.  They have a good balance of work and play and they've been great. 

I'm really excited for a new shot at really making a difference and at learning more Spanish.  I was SO rusty on Wednesday when I first started speaking it again.  But last night I feel like I hit a turning point and it's just going to go up from here. 

Tis the season for joy and laughter and love.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord and to spread the joy that this Christmas season brings.  I love you all so VERY much and pray for you daily.  Thanks for all your support and for ALL the packages!!  I let myself feel really bad about that this week - I haven't sent out a single Christmas card/present but I realized that this isn't my last chance to do nice things for people.  So, my Christmas resolution is to keep its' spirit in my heart all year round. 

Much love!!  Peace Be unto you!! 
Sister Palmer

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